The main focus was an old spider man top my son has grown out of, he really loves spider man so this was a great opportunity to preserve the fabric. The rest of the fabrics, which are scrapes left over from previous sewing projects and some of my sons old shirts, were chosen to colour match with the spider man top. The main blue fabric which also forms a lining was made from an old sheet.
This was originally a long sleeve top, I cut off the sleeves and the front of the top. To preserve the design on the top I decided to applique the top front on to the main body fabric.
For the back of the bag I decided to make a scrappy patchwork from the fabric.
I aimed for a block size of 10 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches and sewed strips together, some wonky, some straight(ish), paying no attention to seam allowance. Some pieces of fabric were not long enough for the block so were pieced together to fit. I then cut down the seams to 1/4 inch.
I ended up with lots of scrappy blocks, that needed to be squared up so they could be sewn together. To square the blocks I used my ruler and rotary cutter and cut them down to 10 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches. I found I had some large strips left after squaring the blocks so I decided to cut those down to 10 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches and my scrappy blocks ended up looking like this:
Then it was easy to sew the blocks together in rows giving me a finished piece of fabric which I then bordered with the blue main body fabric and I ended up with this:
All that is left to do now is sew all the pieces together to make a lined drawstring bag, or sack as my son calls it. There is a really great online class that teaches how to construct the drawstring bag on the website Craftsy. The video tutorial is free, you do have to register on the site, but that's free as well. Craftsy is a site deicated to crafters and has a really good selection of sewing and quilting projects. Some classes do have a fee, but there are quite a number of free classes on there also. To go to Craftsy click here.
You could end up with a lovely finished project like this.
Keep scrimping x